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NI-VISA3.3Mac OS X 美国国家仪器虚拟仪器软件架构VISA3.3苹果版下载

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NI-VISA3.3Mac OS X 美国国家仪器虚拟仪器软件架构VISA3.3苹果版下载

NI-VISA是一个NI仪器驱动程序,是虚拟仪器软件架构(VISA) I/O标准的具体实现。虚拟仪器软件架构(VISA)这一标准用于配置和编程基于GPIB、VXI、PXI、串口(RS232/485)、以太网/LXI和/或USB接口的仪器系统以及故障分析。NI-VISA包括实用程序、底层控制功能和范例,可帮助您快速创建应用程序。



NI-VISA3.3Mac OS X 美国国家仪器虚拟仪器软件架构VISA3.3苹果版下载



National Instruments NI-VISA™ Software for Mac OS X, Version 3.3

Copyright© 1995–2005 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.

Contents of this File

VISA Support for Multiple GPIB-VXI Controllers
Installed Files and Paths
VISA Probes for LabVIEW 7.x
NI-VISA 3.0 Improvements and Bug Fixes
NI-VISA 3.1 Improvements and Bug Fixes
NI-VISA 3.2 Improvements and Bug Fixes
NI-VISA 3.3 Improvements and Bug Fixes
Known Issues

VISA Support for Multiple GPIB-VXI Controllers

NI-VISA supports multiple GPIB-VXI controllers in a single system. Because the National Instruments GPIB-VXI controller ships with a primary address of 1, NI-VISA automatically searches for any GPIB-VXI controllers at that address.
If you have changed the primary address (for example, if you added a second GPIB-VXI controller to your system, and set the address of the second controller to 9), or if you have a GPIB-VXI controller from another vendor, you need to use the NI-VISA Configuration Utility so NI-VISA can find it. This app's path is /Applications/National Instruments/NIvisa/VisaConfig. While in the Resource Editor, click the Add button to add a new resource. Specify a valid resource name for the new controller, such as GPIB-VXI2::0::INSTR. You will then be prompted for the GPIB board number and the GPIB-VXI's primary and secondary addresses. For most users, the only number that will change (from the default selections) is the primary address (for the above example, you would change it to 9). Click OK to add this new resource, and then select the File»Save menu option to save this to the NI-VISA database.
If you are using a GPIB-VXI command module from another vendor, you also need to obtain and install that vendor's VISA GPIB-VXI component.
If you have a GPIB device at primary address 1, and that device does not recognize *IDN?, you should disable the GPIB-VXI auto-detect feature in VisaConfig on the Settings tab.

Installed Files and Paths

There are three main locations where NI-VISA installs files.
  • The local /Library/Frameworks folder contains the VISA.framework folder. This folder contains all needed headers and supporting Passport libraries that NI-VISA uses.

  • In the local /Applications/National Instruments folder, there is an NI-VISA folder. Included here are the user and programmer manuals, as well as several groups of C examples using NI-VISA. This NI-VISA folder also includes a graphical utility called NI-VISA Configuration to configure VISA options.

  • Finally, the /Library/Preferences folder contains an NIvisa folder with .ini files. These files are used for NI-VISA settings and status codes.

VISA Probes for LabVIEW 7.x

The VISA probes for LabVIEW 7.x greatly extend the amount of relevant information displayed when using LabVIEW probes on VISA refnums. They are used automatically by LabVIEW in place of the generic probe when they are installed.
The NI-VISA 3.3 installer will install the probes for LabVIEW 7.1. However, if you are using LabVIEW 7.0, you can download and install them yourself. To install them, download them from ftp.ni.com/support/visa/labview/probes/ and copy them into <LABVIEW_DIR>/vi.lib/_probes/default/VISA/, where <LABVIEW_DIR> is the installation directory of LabVIEW.

NI-VISA 3.0 Improvements and Bug Fixes

When you open a VISA session to GPIB0::INTFC and immediately query the attribute VI_ATTR_GPIB_SRQ_STATE, it previously returned the value VI_STATE_UNASSERTED. It now returns VI_STATE_UNKNOWN, because the SRQ line cannot be monitored if the interface is not yet CIC. The correct state is returned after calling viGpibSendIFC.
For a TCPIP INSTR resource, calling viTerminate did not work correctly.
For a TCPIP INSTR resource, calling viRead or viWrite with a large buffer occasionally would return an error without transmitting the entire buffer.
For a TCPIP INSTR resource, opening and closing sessions to multiple host addresses would cause NI-VISA to crash.
For a TCPIP INSTR resource, calling viLock with a timeout longer than the I/O timeout for that session could cause NI-VISA to return VI_ERROR_TMO.
For a TCPIP SOCKET resource, viReadAsync was not implemented. Now it is.
For a Serial INSTR resource, viOpen will now open a port if the process that had been using that port exited ungracefully (such as with <Ctrl-C>). The previous behavior had been that viOpen would return VI_ERROR_RSRC_BUSY.
For a Serial INSTR resource, if you enabled RTS/CTS flow control and then manually tried to set the state of the RTS line, some operating systems would generate VI_ERROR_NSUP_ATTR, while others would return VI_SUCCESS, but not actually modify the state of the line. Neither of these behaviors was correct. Now NI-VISA will return VI_ERROR_INV_SETUP in this case on all operating systems.
For a Serial INSTR resource, if a binding existed to a valid file/device but that file/device was not really a serial port, NI-VISA would not close the handle. Repeated calls to viFindRsrc or viOpen would cause the process to eventually run out of file handles. This has been fixed.
If you had a GPIB device at primary address 1 that generated a response to *IDN? that was longer than 100 characters, viFindRsrc would occasionally crash. This has been fixed.
viFindRsrc would crash on a complex expression with multiple | symbols. This has been fixed.
The viScanf %# modifier will now output the number of characters put into the buffer excluding the terminating null character. This applies to the %#s, %#t, %#T, and %#[] modifiers. NI-VISA treats the maximum array size (specified on input) as the total buffer size including the terminating null character.
Calling viFindRsrc repeatedly when logged in as root would eventually run out of file descriptors. This has been fixed.
The attributes VI_ATTR_MANF_NAME and VI_ATTR_MODEL_NAME are now correctly implemented for GPIB-VXI regardless of whether NI-VXI is installed.
The maximum simultaneous number of GPIB-VXI controllers supported by NI-VISA has changed from 10 to 32.
For a Serial INSTR resource, the internal modem is now correctly detected.
For a Serial INSTR resource, during a viFindRsrc, when a previously found serial port was detected again, the scan would not proceed to find any new serial ports. This has been fixed.
For a Serial INSTR resource, a call to viOpen when the corresponding serial port did not exist returned VI_ERROR_SYSTEM_ERROR. This return value has been corrected to VI_ERROR_RSRC_NFOUND.
When calling viWaitOnEvent repeatedly with a timeout of 0 (immediate), some interfaces and event types would still consume excessive CPU time. Now doing this will yield the CPU regardless of the interface or event type.
For a GPIB resource, the operations viWriteAsync and viReadAsync did not support true asynchronous operations. The data would still transmit and receive, but NI-VISA did it synchronously. This has been fixed.
viFindRsrc would return VI_ERROR_INV_EXPR if the expression exceeded 255 characters. Now it will accept resource expressions of any length.
Calling viFindRsrc would always assert REN on each GPIB board after finding devices. Now viFindRsrc will reassert REN on each board only if there is at least 1 open VISA INSTR session on that board.
For a TCPIP SOCKET resource, using viRead with termchar enabled was much slower than reading the exact number of bytes. The performance of using termchar with viRead is now much better than it was.
Calling viFindRsrc would return serial ports even if they were explicitly disabled in the configuration file.

NI-VISA 3.1 Improvements and Bug Fixes

Reading data from a Serial port was slow. The performance has improved.
Using the Serial Break VI from LabVIEW did not work with remote NI-VISA. This has been fixed.
For a Serial INSTR resource, if a parity or framing error occurred, NI-VISA would not return the correct error condition. This has been fixed.
In the VisaConfig application, using the Browse button in the Enet-Serial dialog would not work. This has been fixed.
Calling viOpen on a remote NI-VISA resource did not honor the openTimeout parameter. This has been fixed.
Calling viFindRsrc on a remote system would cause LabVIEW to later crash when you exit. This has been fixed.
Calling viClose on an Ethernet resource would leak a socket handle. This has been fixed.
The global attributes on a GPIB INTFC resource were not properly shared across sessions. This has been fixed.
Using the system call fork on a process with VISA loaded would sometimes cause the forked process to hang. This has been fixed.

NI-VISA 3.2 Improvements and Bug Fixes

Added complete support for USB (both RAW and INSTR).
Calling viPrintf on a remote VISA session would return VI_ERROR_IO instead of VI_ERROR_RSRC_LOCKED when the remote resource was locked. This is fixed.

NI-VISA 3.3 Improvements and Bug Fixes

The PXI/PCI INSTR Resource is now supported on Mac OS X. PXI-specific functionality is not supported at this time. You must generate an INF file for your PXI/PCI device with the VISA Driver Development Wizard on Windows using NI-VISA 3.3 or higher. INF files generated with older versions of NI-VISA are not supported on Mac OS X. You can find installation instructions in the generated file. This is a new feature.
The remote NI-VISA server is now supported on Mac OS X. This is a new feature.
For USB RAW sessions, now interrupt-out endpoints may be used for viWrite.
For USB RAW sessions, viReadAsync is now implemented.
Opening a VISA session to a resource and then exiting the application without closing either the VISA session or the Resource Manager could crash the application. This is fixed.
viFindRsrc would crash when given long strings that use remote NI-VISA. This is fixed.
Calling viMoveAsync on a remote VISA session would return an error. This is fixed.
For Serial INSTR sessions, viClear previously would flush (discard) the I/O buffers and then send a break. According to the VISA spec, VISA must flush (discard) the I/O output buffer, send a break, and then flush (discard) the I/O input buffer. This is fixed.
viScanf and variants did not support the %u identifier for arrays. This is fixed.
viPrintf and variants did not support the %zy and %Zy identifiers for floating point data. This is fixed.
viPrintf and variants previously generated NaN, +Inf, and -Inf. It now generates NAN, INF, and NINF, respectively.
viScanf and variants did not correctly interpret the input values NAN, INF, and NINF. This is fixed.
The NI-VISA Configuration Utility now supports adding arbitrary aliases.


This product includes components that use the socket++ library. The library is Copyright&#169; 1992–1995 Greg Lavender (University of Texas) and Gnanasekaran Swaminathan (University of Virginia). All rights reserved.

Known Issues

None at this time.
