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NI-VISA2.5.2 X86WinENG 美国国家仪器虚拟仪器软件架构VISA2.5.2Windows版下载

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Windows系统下(Linux和MAC系统下请自行了解清楚)NI的各种软件、模块、工具包、驱动程序,使用NI许可证管理器来激活的,绝大部分的都可以使用NI Lincense Activator来激活,以下链接可下载:
NI序列号Serial Number生成激活工具NI License Activator,LabVIEW/VBAI/VDM/VAS等软件模块工具包破解工具不限版本


NI-VISA2.5.2 X86WinENG 美国国家仪器虚拟仪器软件架构VISA2.5.2Windows版下载

NI-VISA是一个NI仪器驱动程序,是虚拟仪器软件架构(VISA) I/O标准的具体实现。虚拟仪器软件架构(VISA)这一标准用于配置和编程基于GPIB、VXI、PXI、串口(RS232/485)、以太网/LXI和/或USB接口的仪器系统以及故障分析。NI-VISA包括实用程序、底层控制功能和范例,可帮助您快速创建应用程序。

NI-VISA2.5 Runtime:

NI-VISA2.5.2 Runtime:
NI-VISA2.5 Runtime:

NI-VISA2.5.2 X86WinENG 美国国家仪器虚拟仪器软件架构VISA2.5.2Windows版下载



This directory contains the following files:

00readme.txt -- An ASCII file that gives driver information including installation procedures, bug fixes and errata.

nivisa25.zip -- A compressed archive containing the installation for NI-VISA(TM) Software for Windows, Version 2.5. You will need to use a utility like WinZip or PKUnzip to open the archive and decompress the files.

-------        Readme.txt --------

National Instruments NI-VISA(TM) Software for Windows. Version 2.5.

Copyright (c) 1995-2000 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.

Installing and Uninstalling NI-VISA 2.5
LabWindows(TM)/CVI Run-Time Engine
Support for new VISA Features
Support for Multiple GPIB-VXI Controllers
Support for Agilent/HP Controllers
Using viPeekXX/viPokeXX Macros
Improvements and Bug Fixes
Known Issues

In general, we strongly recommend that you uninstall any currently installed
versions of VISA before installing NI-VISA 2.5.

After uninstalling NI-VISA, some DLLs and executables may remain in the
NI-VISA directories. To complete the uninstall process, you must restart your
machine. Note: the uninstaller application will not notify you when rebooting
is necessary. If you plan to re-install NI-VISA, you should always reboot
the machine after running the uninstaller.

The Setup program now automatically installs the LabWindows/CVI Run-Time
Engine when necessary. The NI-VISA interactive utility, VISAIC, requires the
LabWindows/CVI Run-Time Engine 5.5 or later to be installed. When you install
this utility, Setup also installs the LabWindows/CVI Run-Time Engine if it is
not already present.

The online help describes the new features of NI-VISA 2.5, but they are
briefly listed here for your convenience.

The VXI and GPIB functionality in NI-VISA 2.5 has been greatly expanded.
There is a new VXI BACKPLANE resource for each VXI or GPIB-VXI chassis.
There is a new GPIB INTFC resource for each GPIB board; this provides
equivalent functionality to the NI-488 board-level functions. The online
help lists all operations, attributes, and events that each VISA resource
class supports.

There is new functionality for Ethernet using raw (TCPIP::host::port::SOCKET)
or VXI-11 (TCPIP::host::INSTR) protocols.

NI-VISA 2.5 now supports Windows 2000 in addition to Windows NT, 98, and 95.

NI-VISA 2.5 updates LabVIEW 5.x, LabWindows/CVI 5.x, and BridgeVIEW 2.x with
the new VISA features.

The best way to explore the new features is to use the Measurement&Automation
Explorer, right-click on the new resource types, and click "Open VISA Session"
to view the available operations, events, and attributes.

NI-VISA supports multiple GPIB-VXI controllers in a single system. Because the
National Instruments GPIB-VXI controller ships with a primary address of 1,
NI-VISA automatically searches for any GPIB-VXI controllers at that address.

If you have changed the primary address (for example, if you added a second
GPIB-VXI controller to your system, and set the address of the second
controller to 9), or if you have a GPIB-VXI controller from another vendor,
you need to add it using Measurement&Automation Explorer so NI-VISA can find
it. Right-click on "Devices and Interfaces" and select "Create New..." to add
a new GPIB-VXI interface. Specify the controller's GPIB primary and secondary
addresses, as well as the GPIB board to which it is connected. Then specify a
new GPIB-VXI interface number and its logical address (usually 0).

If you are using a GPIB-VXI command module from another vendor, you also need
to obtain and install that vendor's VISA GPIB-VXI component.

If you have a GPIB device at primary address 1 and that device does not
recognize "*IDN?", you should disable the GPIB-VXI auto-detect feature in
Measurement&Automation Explorer from the Tools>>NI-VISA>>VISA Options menu.

NI-VISA now has the capability to work with Agilent/HP GPIB and VXI controller
cards. To use this feature, go into the Measurement&Automation Explorer, use
the VISA Passport editor from the Tools>>NI-VISA>>Passport Editor menu, and
enable the NiVisaTulip.dll Passport. NI-VISA will automaticaly find and access
any GPIB or VXI devices. However, NI-VISA will not configure the Agilent/HP
hardware; you must continue to do that with the Agilent/HP I/O Config utility.

If you have both National Instruments and Agilent/HP controllers in the same
system, you must configure the cards at different system addresses, such as
GPIB0 and GPIB1. If both vendors try to use the same interface address,
NI-VISA will report an error from viFindRsrc or VISA Find Resources.

Users who want to use the viPeekXX/viPokeXX macros for platforms on which the
macros are available must define a macro called NIVISA_PEEKPOKE before
including "visa.h". Please note that the macros are currently available only
on the following platforms:

- Win32 (All C compilers)
- Solaris (LabWindows/CVI only)

If you have used these macros with a version of NI-VISA prior to 2.0, your
application will continue to run, but the peek/poke performance will decrease.
You should relink with the libraries supplied with this installation to regain
the prior peek/poke performance.

GPIB performance has improved. Its performance is now identical to NI-488.

If you are using the GPIB-ENET controller, the previous version of NI-VISA
would take a minute or more to time out if a GPIB-ENET controller were not
connected or powered on. The timeout is now much shorter.

Serial performance has improved. It no longer consumes excessive CPU time
during read operations when the data is not immediately available.

The VISA serial driver now works with baud rates higher than 256000. NI-VISA
will allow any baud rate that the Windows driver will accept.

If you set the Flow Control serial setting in T&M Explorer, it was not stored
properly. This has been fixed in Measurement&Automation Explorer.

This version of NI-VISA incorporates general bug fixes and improvements for
GPIB-VXI. The NI-VISA code instrument will now load properly in configurations
where it previously failed.

If a GPIB-VXI chassis is reset while an application has VISA loaded, the
GPIB-VXI would previously become accessible only as GPIB but not GPIB-VXI.
This release of NI-VISA will now properly re-detect the GPIB-VXI.

Fixed bug with the GPIB-VXI and hardware triggers.

Fixed bug for PXI in Windows NT where it would occasionally crash on exit.

Fixed bug for PXI where repeated calls to viOpen or VISA Open would
occasionally return an undocumented status code.

The documentation now includes resource strings and valid parameter values
for PXI operations.

The PXI Driver Development Wizard will now also generate a .inf file for
Windows 2000.

This version of NI-VISA incorporates general bug fixes and improvements for
formatted I/O, especially with very large buffers and with the following
modifiers: "%b", ",", "#", "!ob", "!ol", and "%[".

The documentation for viPrintf and viFlush better describes when formatted
I/O buffers are sent. The documentation for viScanf better describes the ","
and "#" modifiers.

Added capability to see low-level VISA formatted I/O buffers in NI Spy.

Improved NI Spy performance when capturing calls, logging to disk, and
opening files.

Fixed bug with starting NI Spy while DLL's are in use.

Fixed bugs in NI Spy where invalid buffer addresses or invalid buffer sizes
would previously cause NI Spy to crash.

Fixed installer bugs where the PATH and VXIPNPPATH environment variables were
occasionally incorrect, especially with long directory names on Windows 95/98.

Installing this on a system with NI-VISA 2.01 might remove T&M Explorer even
if NI-VXI is installed.
