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NI Lookout 6.2 Server&Client Win32Eng NI Lookout服务器和客户端6.2版

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NI Lookout 6.2 Server&Client Win32Eng NI Lookout服务器和客户端6.2版

Lookout Server支持基于Web的工业测量和自动化功能,大幅减少了开发工作量。
Lookout Server是一款应用软件,提供基于Web的功能,如多客户多服务器网络、Web监控和控制、OPC服务器和客户端、事件驱动处理、分布式日志记录和分布式报警。

Lookout Client可为要求苛刻的制造和过程控制应用提供直观的控制。
Lookout Client是基于Web的人机界面/监控和数据采集(HMI/SCADA)系统软件。它具有网络监测和控制以及分布式警报、事件和数据记录等功能。Lookout Client采用基于对象的架构,并支持事件驱动的处理。

Lookout 6.2
文件大小: 583431353 字节 (556.40 MB)
修改日期: 2010-04-25 05:56
MD5: 626f8871e893a2b669f90f2aaa7a15ee
SHA1: afe01363c18a8b3bd5283fc80d4ab4e2474e222c
SHA256: e67525cddd8925fcd37b90bd2ff5c776efa893e8f6bc8891f25ca4c59dbfda6b
CRC32: 0f1b3bed


NI Lookout 6.2 Server&Client Win32Eng NI Lookout服务器和客户端6.2版


(出处: 机器视觉论坛)

Lookout 6.2 Readme

August 2008
Lookout is a human machine interface (HMI) and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) software system that National Instruments provides. This file contains important last-minute information about Lookout 6.2, including installation and upgrade issues, compatibility issues, and changes from Lookout 6.1. Refer to the Lookout Release Notes for more information about upgrade and compatibility issues and for a complete list of new features in Lookout 6.2. You can access the Lookout Release Notes by selecting Help»Contents in Lookout and navigating to the Related Documentation topic on the Contents page.
Supported Platforms
Installation Instructions
New Features
Known Issues

Supported Platforms

Lookout supports Windows Vista/XP/2000. Lookout does not support Windows Me/9x/NT. Refer to the Lookout Release Notes for a complete list of system requirements.

Installation Instructions

Refer to the Lookout Release Notes for detailed information about installing Lookout. This section describes additional installation considerations.
The Lookout software requires Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition (SQL Express). This component is installed by default when you install Lookout. During the installation process, the Lookout installer creates an instance of SQL Express named CITADEL. To prevent unauthorized access to SQL Express, the installer also generates a password for the SQL Express administrator sa. The default password is the computer ID. Complete the following steps to find the computer ID using NI License Manager.
  • Launch NI License Manager by selecting Start»All Programs»National Instruments»NI License Manager.

  • Click the Display Computer Information button in the toolbar.

The Lookout installer enables a mixed security mode on existing SQL Servers. If the target computer does not have an SQL Server installed, the Lookout installer installs SQL Express in the mixed security mode.
Use the following command line prompt to change the default password for the sa user:
Sqlcmd -S"localhostCITADEL" -U"sa" -P"COMPUTER_ID" -Q"sp_password 'COMPUTER_ID', 'NEW_PASSWORD', 'sa'"
If the mixed security mode is not acceptable, change both the SQL Express and Citadel login modes. You must set the registry DWORD values HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftMSSQLServerMSSQLServerLoginMode and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWARENational InstrumentsCitadel.0IntegratedSecurity to 1.
National Instruments recommends that you change the login mode immediately after you install Lookout. Otherwise, you must relink all existing Citadel databases. Restart the SQL Express and Citadel services in order for changes to take effect. If you use integrated NT security, you might need to configure the server machine and all clients explicitly.
Note: Lookout 6.0.2 and earlier use Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE 2000), not SQL Express. If you upgrade Lookout 6.0.2 or earlier to Lookout 6.2, any existing databases continue to use MSDE 2000 for alarm logging, but new databases you create use SQL Express. If you detach an existing database from Lookout and then reattach the database, Lookout migrates the database to SQL Express.
You might want to uninstall MSDE 2000 after installing Lookout 6.2. Complete the following steps to uninstall MSDE 2000.
  • Exit Lookout if Lookout is running.

  • Open NI Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) and select My System»Historical Data»Citadel 5 Universe from the Configuration tree.

  • On the Databases page, detach all databases from the local computer.

  • Open the Windows Control Panel and uninstall MSDE 2000.

  • Restart the computer.

  • Open MAX and reattach all databases.


Lookout relies on licensing activation. You must activate a valid Lookout license before you can run Lookout. To activate Lookout, use the serial number you received as part of your installation package.
Refer to the Lookout Release Notes for more information about licensing in Lookout.

New Features

Lookout 6.2 incorporates the following new features:

Controlling Lookout Expressions

Lookout 6.2 introduces controlled expressions. A controlled expression is an expression with a trigger. A trigger is a logical data member. Lookout calculates a controlled expression only when a trigger changes from FALSE to TRUE. Lookout does not calculate this controlled expression when the trigger changes from TRUE to FALSE.

Viewing and Locating Displays of Objects

Lookout 6.2 introduces the Find Displays window. Use this window to view and locate displays of objects. The Find Displays window lists the object name, source member name, and location information.

Viewing Connections between the Local Server and Clients

Lookout 6.2 introduces the Client Connection Monitor window. Use this window to view connections between the local Lookout server and clients.

NI OPC Servers Integration

Lookout 6.2 provides the NI OPC Servers application. Use this application to connect to OPC devices.

New Examples

Lookout 6.2 provides new examples. Refer to the Lookout 6.2Examples directory to browse and launch these new examples.

Known Issues

The following are known issues in Lookout 6.2.
IDKnown Issue
(Windows Vista) You cannot start and stop the following services from the command line on Windows Vista using the -start and -stop parameters or the Windows net start and net stop commands:
  • National Instruments PSP Server Locator

  • NI Lookout Citadel Server 4.x

  • Citadel 5.x Database

  • National Instruments Time Synchronization Service

  • National Instruments Domain Server

To start and stop these services, use the Services utility, available by selecting Start»Control Panel»Administrative Tools»Services. Also, NI applications no longer start these services automatically if these services are not running already.
A Lookout control with a Local source and a direct connection does not change if something acts to alter the value or status of the PLC or object it is connected to. Instead, Lookout restores the control value to the PLC or object in the following circumstances:
  • When the driver object is modified or I/O is reconfigured

  • When the process is reloaded

  • When communication is restored after a communications failure

  • After 100 polls in some cases (this varies from driver to driver and might depend on .ini file settings)

If you operate a Lookout control with a Remote source connection, and the PLC register it is connected to cannot or does not change when Lookout writes the new value out to the PLC, the control snaps back to display the actual PLC register value or status. Whether or not this issue occurs depends on data transmission time between your Lookout computer and the field hardware. To prevent this issue, Lookout has built-in delays for most driver objects. The following driver objects do not have a built-in delay:
  • AdvantechPCL

  • DeltaTau

  • Dynamic

  • ProfibusDP

  • ProfibusL2

  • Reliance

  • Sixnet

  • Wizdom

The following two driver objects do not support remote source connections at all because the underlying protocols do not allow this sort of connection:
  • Aquatrol

  • DeviceNet

Another way to correct snap-back issues caused by slow communication is to adjust the SnapDelay setting that is available with some control objects. For Switch and Pushbutton objects, use the SnapDelay data member; for the Pot object, use the SnapDelay lookout.ini setting.
To use the Lookout Web Client feature, you must have administrator privileges to install the Lookout Player component of the Web Client. After the Lookout Player is installed, administrator privileges are not required to use the Lookout Web Client successfully.
Logging does not work when a specified user is set for NT service.
Listbox ActiveX object in Lookout cannot be used correctly in an expression.
Tool tips do not show up in Lookout Tools box unless Tools box is the current active window.
Cannot export a web process if another running process has a missing graphic.
Cannot read correct value from data members 'FromWhen' and 'ToWhen' of 'CitadelControl' Object after its property was revised.
Lookout service cannot be stopped from control panel in Windows Vista.
SquareD object may not work on Windows XP/Vista.
Sequencer time resets incorrectly in some Lookout process when viewed through web client.
Lookout FieldPoint object cannot import alias in .iak file for 180x, 22xx, 21xx modules.
Uninstalling Lookout removes NI OPC Server Application of DSC.
When you use the example links in Lookout online help, the help may prompt a warning dialog box for the ActiveX control. You need to click the Yes button to run the example.

© 2008 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.
Under the copyright laws, this publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storing in an information retrieval system, or translating, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of National Instruments Corporation.
In regards to components that use Citadel 5, the following copyright applies. Copyright © 1994 Hewlett-Packard Company. Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
National Instruments, NI, ni.com, LabVIEW, Citadel, and Lookout are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation. Refer to the Terms of Use section on ni.com/legal for more information about National Instruments trademarks.
Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies.
For patents covering the National Instruments products, refer to the appropriate location: Help» Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your media, or ni.com/patents.