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NI System Driver Suite 2010.07 Win32/64Eng NI系统驱动套件SDS-Jul10

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Windows系统下(Linux和MAC系统下请自行了解清楚)NI的各种软件、模块、工具包、驱动程序,使用NI许可证管理器来激活的,绝大部分的都可以使用NI Lincense Activator来激活,以下链接可下载:
NI序列号Serial Number生成激活工具NI License Activator,LabVIEW/VBAI/VDM/VAS等软件模块工具包破解工具不限版本


NI System Driver Suite 2010.07 Win32/64Eng NI系统驱动套件SDS-Jul10

System Driver Suite
System Driver Suite在单个软件包中提供了常见的NI驱动程序软件,以帮助您开发PXI、CompactRIO或CompactDAQ系统。
System Driver Suite提供了一系列经验证可兼容的NI驱动程序软件集,可用于配置PXI、CompactRIO或CompactDAQ系统。这些驱动程序集可帮助您在整个应用程序生命周期中保持确保对于的驱动程序软件的标准化。使用System Driver Suite,您可以安装一些常见的驱动程序,例如NI-FlexRIO、NI-Motion、NI-DAQmx、NI-VISA、NI-Serial、NI-488.2、NI-CAN、NI-IMAQ、NI-IMAQdx、NI-DMM、NI-SCOPE、NI-Sync、NI-Switch、NI-RFSA、NI-RFSG、NI-DCPower、NI-RIO、NI-DNET和NI-VXI等,具体参考后面的发行说明或自述文档。

文件大小: 4275784278 字节 (3.98 GB)
修改日期: 2010-07-29 08:29
MD5: ad30f6c1d7c936b10d63a48167b2b78c(官方正确)
SHA1: c2b952b5ea189fbf0b528bcedf44c84b223bdaee
SHA256: 88e372257b24ec8c24513d9c45990fa5160d15d5cc3c0e75c0108efeb88ea9f6
CRC32: 3a899ffd


NI System Driver Suite 2010.07 Win32/64Eng NI系统驱动套件SDS-Jul10


(出处: 机器视觉论坛)

National Instruments System Driver Set ReadmeJuly 2010 Release

© 2003-2010 National Instruments. All rights reserved.
Windows 7 Issues
National Instruments is committed to maintaining compatibility with Microsoft Windows technology changes. While most NI products work with Windows 7, NI has become aware of some compatibility issues regarding Windows 7.  To learn more about Windows 7 and NI products, visit ni.com/info and enter the Info Code windows7.
For patents covering National Instruments products, refer to the appropriate location: Help»Patents in your software, the patents.txt file in this folder, or ni.com/patents.
System Driver Set Contents
  • Data Acquisition

    • NI-DAQmx 9.1.5

    • Traditional NI-DAQ 7.4.4 (Legacy)

    • NI-435x 2.5.2

  • Instrument Control

    • NI-488.2 2.7.3

    • NI-VISA 5.0.0

    • NI-Serial 3.6.0

    • IVI Compliance Package 4.2.0

    • PXI Platform Services 2.5.6

    • NI System Monitor 1.1.1

    • NI-VXI 3.7.0

  • Modular Instruments

    • NI-Switch 4.0.2

    • NI-DMM 3.0.3

    • NI-Scope 3.6.2

    • NI-RFSA 2.3.2

    • NI-PXI-5660 Support

    • NI-FGEN 2.7.4

    • NI-DCPower 1.4.1

    • NI-RFSG 1.6.4

    • NI-HSDIO 1.7.3

    • NI-5690 1.1.0

    • NI-5460R 1.4.0

  • Timing & Synchronization

    • NI-Sync 3.2.1

    • NI-TimeSync 1.0.1

  • Reconfigurable IO

    • NI FlexRIO Adapter Module Support 1.9.0

    • NI-RIO 3.5.0

    • CompactRIO 3.5.0

    • R Series 3.5.0

    • NI-FlexRIO 1.5.0

  • Motion

    • NI-Motion 8.2.0

  • Vision Acquisition Software

    • NI-IMAQ 4.5.0

    • NI-IMAQdx 3.7.0

    • NI-IMAQ I/O 2.4.0

  • Distributed I/O

    • NI-FieldPoint 6.0.7

  • Real-Time and Embedded

    • NI-488.2 2.7.3

    • NI-Serial 3.6.0

    • NI-Watchdog 4.0.1

  • Communication Buses and Protocols

    • NI-XNET 1.1.1

    • NI-CAN 2.7.1

    • NI-DNET 1.6.5

    • NI-Industrial Communications for DeviceNet 2.0.0

  • Tools and Utilities

    • NI LabVIEW SignalExpress 2010

    • NI Spy 2.7.2

    • NI Measurement & Automation Explorer 4.7.1

    • NI System Configureation 1.1.0

System Requirements
This installation requires one of the following Microsoft operating systems:
  • Windows XP

  • Windows Vista x86

  • Windows Vista x64

  • Windows 7 x86

  • Windows 7 x64

  • Windows Server 2003 R2 (32-bit)

  • Windows Server 2008 R2 (64-bit)

This installation requires that version 3.1 of the MSI (Windows Installer) Engine is installed on your computer. If you do not have MSI 3.1 or later, the installer updates the engine automatically and might require you to restart your computer.
Additional Requirements for Specific Features
Certain features in this installation have additional requirements.
FeatureAdditional System RequirementsNI Software Requirements
Visual C++ 2005 support for:
  • NI-DAQmx

  • NI-488.2


NoneNational Instruments Measurement Studio VC++ 2005
Visual C++ 2003 support for:
  • NI-DAQmx

  • NI-488.2


  • IVI Compliance Package

NoneNational Instruments Measurement Studio VC++ 2003
.NET Framework 1.1 and 2.0 support for:
  • NI-DAQmx

  • NI-488.2


Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0

LabWindowsTM/CVITM Support for:
  • NI-DAQmx

  • NI-CAN


NoneLabWindows/CVI 7.0 or later
LabVIEWTM Support for:
  • NI-435x

NoneNational Instruments LabVIEW 7.1 or later

Uninstallation Instructions
You can uninstall software that you installed from this DVD by selecting National Instruments Software in the Windows Add/Remove Programs application.

© 2003–2010 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.
Under the copyright laws, this publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storing in an information retrieval system, or translating, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of National Instruments Corporation.
National Instruments respects the intellectual property of others, and we ask our users to do the same. NI software is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. Where NI software may be used to reproduce software or other materials belonging to others, you may use NI software only to reproduce materials that you may reproduce in accordance with the terms of any applicable license or other legal restriction.
CVI, National Instruments, NI, ni.com, and LabVIEW are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation. Refer to the Terms of Use section on ni.com/legal for more information about National Instruments trademarks.
The mark LabWindows is used under a license from Microsoft Corporation. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
Members of the National Instruments Alliance Partner Program are business entities independent from National Instruments and have no agency, partnership, or joint-venture relationship with National Instruments.
For patents covering the National Instruments products/technology, refer to the appropriate location: Help» Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your media, or the National Instruments Patent Notice at ni.com/patents.
