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NI DIAdem 11.2 Download Win32Eng NI数据管理软件DIADEM2010英语基本高级专业版下载

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Windows系统下(Linux和MAC系统下请自行了解清楚)NI的各种软件、模块、工具包、驱动程序,使用NI许可证管理器来激活的,绝大部分的都可以使用NI Lincense Activator来激活,以下链接可下载:
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NI DIAdem 11.2 Download Win32Eng NI数据管理软件DIADEM2010英语基本高级专业版下载

DIAdem是一个统一的单一软件环境,可帮助您更高效地进行测量数据后期处理。 DIAdem针对大型数据集进行了优化,内含的工具可帮助您快速搜索所需的数据,查看和研究数据,使用特定工程分析函数转换数据,并使用强大的拖放式报告编辑器共享结果。 您可以在DIAdem中使用脚本来自动执行重复的数据后处理任务,并高效地将测量数据转换为有价值的信息。


NI DIAdem 11.2 Download Win32Eng NI数据管理软件DIADEM2010英语基本高级专业版下载



DIAdem 2010 Release Notes

Version 11.2
June 2010
This file contains information on DIAdem 2010:
  • System Requirements

  • Notes on DIAdem 2010

  • New Features in DIAdem 2010

  • Fixed Issues in DIAdem 2010

System Requirements

For correct DIAdem performance, the following minimum requirements must be met:


CPUx86 compatible processor, 1.6 GHz or more
Amount of memory1 GB or more
Hard disk memory1.6 GB free storage space, of which at least 700 MB on the system partition
Graphics boardColor depth at least 16 bit (High Color), recommended 24 or 32 bit (True Color)
Screen resolutionAt least 1024x768

Operating Systems

  • Windows XP Pro 32 Bit Service Pack 3 or later
  • Windows Vista 32 Bit with Service Pack 2
  • Windows Vista 64 Bit with Service Pack 2 (as 32-bit application)
  • Windows 7 32 Bit
  • Windows 7 64 Bit (as 32 bit application)
  • Windows Server 2003 R2 32 Bit
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 64 Bit (as 32-bit application)

file:///C:/Users/VISION~1/AppData/Local/Temp/7zOC66BA9D6/note.gifNote  DIAdem only supports the listed Windows versions and not Windows 7 Starter.


FirewallThe firewall displays warnings while DIAdem installs and while DIAdem launches, for the following reasons:
The usireg component executes during the installation of DataPlugins. The DataFinder, which you use for searching and navigating in files, then starts. When DIAdem launches, a DNS query determines whether to license locally or whether to use a license server.
If you want to be able to use all the DIAdem functions, National Instruments recommends that you select "Do not block" for all programs listed. This also applies when you want to evaluate DIAdem. Refer to ni.com/info under the info code winxpsp2.
Windows User RightsDIAdem and its components are basically executable under the preconfigured Microsoft Windows user accounts from User onwards. DIAdem must be installed with complete administrator rights.
If you operate various DIAdem versions on one computer, you only have the entire range of functions in each version if you have administrator rights.


  • Internet Explorer Version 6.0 Service Pack 1 or later

  • Recommended:
    - Adobe Reader to display manual files
    - Adobe Flash Player for Microsoft Internet Explorer to display the tutorials

Notes on DIAdem 2010

  • DIAdem Version 9.0 and LabVIEW Version 7.1, and later versions, use a shared software component that is updated when you install DIAdem. When you uninstall DIAdem, the current version of the shared component remains. This is intentional and has been tested extensively.
  • For the DataFinder in DIAdem 2010, any index files from earlier DIAdem versions must be regenerated. This occurs automatically when you launch DIAdem. Depending on how many files are to be indexed, this may take quite some time.
  • If you want to use several different versions of DIAdem (for example 10.2 or 11.1 and 2010) on one computer, you need power user rights. Otherwise, DIAdem might use components from the wrong version.
  • We strongly recommend that you install DIAdem in the suggested folders on Windows Vista and on Windows 7, or that you specify the folder exclusively in the path selection dialog box in the setup program. In particular, changing the suggested program path manually in the installation program can cause problems in DIAdem.
  • When executing DIAdem or DIAdem scripts under Windows Server 2003 runtime errors might occur due to an error in the runtime library of the system. As a workaround Microsoft has provided a hotfix which you can download at http://support.microsoft.com/?scid=kb%3Ben-us%3B955536.
  • If you install an earlier DIAdem version after the installation of DIAdem 2010, the PDF export of this earlier version does not function. You can solve the problem in 10.1 to 11.1 if you copy the following files from the DIAdem 2010 program folder into the program folder of the earlier DIAdem version:

    • acfpdf.drv

    • acfpdf.txt

    • acfpdfu.dll

    • acfpdfuamd64.dll

    • acfpdfui.dll

    • acfpdfuiamd64.dll

    • cdintf.dll

  • Earlier DIAdem versions always output search results of the DataFinder sorted according to the first search condition if this condition was valid, otherwise unsorted. In DIAdem 2010 and later versions you can specify a sorting order if you specify an Order-By statement. Without this specification the results are always output unsorted.
  • If you dragged and dropped groups or channels from the Data Portal to a curve list, earlier DIAdem versions always created new curve entries. In DIAdem 2010 you can replace a single channel specifically in an existing curve entry if you drag a channel from the Data Portal exactly onto a channel selection field of a curve entry.

DIAdem 2010 Compatibility

  • In DIAdem 11.0 and later versions the predefined settings of the function groups are saved in a new format. The previous PAR files can no longer be read in. If you previously used user-defined settings of the function groups, you must recreate these settings.
  • The SUD file format is different in DIAdem 2010. You can load SUD files from earlier versions with DIAdem 2010 but you cannot load SUD files that you created in DIAdem 2010, with version 11.1 or earlier versions.
  • The font and color settings of the DIAdem editor and the SUD editor have been unified with the renewal of the SUD editor. The DIAdem SCRIPT settings are now valid for both editors. These settings are now saved in the registry and not in the workspace file.
  • The event procedure syntax in the SUD dialog editor has changed in DIAdem 2010. The definition of the variable this has been moved from the procedure body to the parameter list of the events. User dialog boxes that were created with earlier versions remain fully functional. When loading earlier SUD files into the dialog editor, DIAdem automatically converts these files into the new syntax. Refer to Converting User Dialog Boxes in the Help for further information.
  • The methods GetArgument and SetArgument for handling transfer parameters in user dialog boxes are no longer supported in the Dialog<NonModal> interface in DIAdem 2010 and later versions. These methods were already without a function before if the user dialog box was non-modal.
  • In earlier DIAdem versions the command Navigator.LoadData returned a Boolean value to indicate whether the loading operation was successful. From DIAdem 2010 a list with the loaded objects is returned instead. If you evaluated the previous return value in scripts, you can replace the earlier call Navigator.LoadData (...) with "CBool(Navigator.LoadData (...).count).
  • From DIAdem 2010 the CAN Converter directly creates a TDM file with an associated TDX file and no longer a TDM file with separate BIN files for every generated group. Now the BIN files are automatically deleted. You might have to remove the deletion of BIN files from your scripts.
  • Some of the default settings have been changed since DIAdem 2010 compared to earlier versions. You view and edit these settings in the Compatibility dialog box that you open by selecting Settings&#187;Options&#187;General&#187;Compatibility.
  • The default setting for the units set has changed to All Units.
  • The methods CreateQuery, LoadQuery, and SaveQuery for the Navigator object are now provided without the interface via the DataFinder object. To load and to save queries from the NAVIGATOR interface use the new methods LoadQueryInfoSet and SaveQueryInfoSet.

New Features in DIAdem 2010General

  • You can load DIAdem files in the Windows Explorer with a double-click. If DIAdem is not active at the time, DIAdem is launched and the selected file loaded into the respective panel. Under Windows XP you must first assign the file type with Open With to DIAdem.

  • In the DIAdem configuration you can specify a script which DIAdem executes when exiting the program.

DIAdem NAVIGATOR, DataFinder, Data Portal

  • The new ASAM interface in DIAdem makes working with ASAM data stores as easy as searching in file based data stores with the DataFinder. DIAdem NAVIGATOR now also provides for ASAM data stores a data browser, a search input area, a search results list, and a property display. The new ASAM/ODS programming interface enables object-oriented access to ASAM data.

  • DIAdem now also saves the column configuration of the results list with the search condition. You can load the search condition, the column configuration, or both.

  • You can request the search results sorted in the Advanced Search with the OrderBy function.

  • You can reindex individual subfolders of search areas and individual files at any time manually or with a command regardless of the general DataFinder settings.

  • The list of DataPlugins available in DIAdem has been expanded: The Audio DataPlugin reads and writes audio files in WAV format, MP3 format, WMA format, and Float-IEEE format. You can access ASAM AOP5 (Corba) data stores with the DataPlugin AOP5. You read GPS data with the DataPlugins NMEA and GPX.

  • You can create a DataPlugin that reads Excel tables from 2003, 2007, and 2010 with the new table reader.

  • Now you can register DataPlugins in DIAdem which read data files without a filename extension.

  • In the channel preview of the Data Portal you can play audio data from waveform channels on the computer loudspeakers.

  • Now you can delete custom properties in the properties display of the Data Portal or drag and drop the custom properties to the list view.


  • Use the new Background Segments function to highlight curves in axis systems with color to show events. You can define background segments parallel to the x-axis and also parallel to the y-axis.

  • Now you also can label 2D axis systems. DIAdem can read the label text from a text channel or use the enumerations which are stored in a custom property of a channel.

  • In axis systems you can play audio data from waveform channels on the computer loudspeakers with the new Sound On/Off function.

  • In the Contour display type the Display Dynamic Isoline function plots the isoline continuously at the current cursor position. This way you can display for each point in the contour display the corresponding z-values.

  • With the new display type Dialog Box you use SUD dialog boxes in DIAdem VIEW. In dialog boxes you enter values, check settings, or start functions to change the displays in other areas of the layout.

  • With the new display type Map you display geographic data, recorded with a GPS receiver, in map sections. For example you can follow the route of a test drive when you move the graphics cursor in an axis system along the data such as consumption, RPM, and torque acquired during the test drive.

  • Now you can zoom videos and graphics and move the section to view details.


  • You can save the units catalog to align units catalogs on other computers. When loading a units catalog, you can overwrite the local catalog or import only new units.

  • The calculation manager now also displays the calculation formulas in a formula graphic. The dialog boxes of the calculation manager can be enlarged or reduced to see the contents better and to make editing calculations easier.

  • The Savitzky-Golay smooths a signal by adjusting a polynomial function sectionwise to the signal with a least error squares method.

  • The Quantize channel function maps the value range of channels on the integer data types 8 bit, 16 bit, or 32 bit.

  • The new function Shock Response Spectrum analyses acceleration signals in accordance with the ISO norm 18431-4:2007. The shock response describes the response to the acceleration of a number of single-degree of freedom system with different eigenfrequencies.

  • The crash function CWV (Chest Wall Velocity) calculates the velocity which occurs when the chest is crushed by a shock wave. The chest wall velocity allows statements about injuries to internal organs by overpressure waves which do not affect the ear.

  • The examples contain the functions Hysteresis Analysis and Linearizing Data with the Values Table in the User-Defined Evaluations in DIAdem ANALYSIS.


  • Use the new Background Segments function to highlight curves in 2D axis systems with color to show events. You can define background segments parallel to the x-axis and also parallel to the y-axis.

  • With formula graphics you can add formulas as mathematical graphics to reports. You can enter the formula either as you do in the Calculator or in the Mathematical Markup Language (MathML).

  • The function for exporting the current reports as PDF document, HTML document, or PowerPoint presentation are now on the DIAdem REPORT toolbar.

  • You can now transfer selected objects such as axis systems or analysis tables to DIAdem VIEW and not only the entire open worksheet.

  • With the new function Transfer Properties you can now transfer the scaling properties of a selected x-axis or y-axis of 2D axis systems to other x-axes or y-axes of a layout. You can use this function also to transfer the properties of a 2D legend to the legends of other 2D axis systems.

  • You can assign transparency to the filling colors of surfaces below or between curves.

  • You can drag and drop further properties from the properties display of the Data Portal to legends in 2D displays, 3D displays, and polar axis displays. You also can move the delimiters between the properties with the mouse and display long legend texts truncated or with a wordwrap.

  • You can rename the main objects of a layout.

  • The new variable OnReportCurveExpanding specifies a user command which DIAdem executes before displaying an expanded curve. The new variable OnReportDropChannels specifies a user command which is executed when DIAdem drags and drops channels onto a 2D axis system, a 2D table, a 2D polar axis system, or a 3D axis system.


  • Until now DIAdem could only assign one user command to each event. Now you can assign several user commands (DaisyChaining) to one event.

  • The script editor in the dialog editor now offers the same functionality as the general script editor: Syntax coloring, CodeCompletion, SmartInfo with syntax, and Help call. If you rename a SUD control, the editor changes all cross references and event names. The structure of a dialog box is clearly laid out with all controls and the related events and methods in a tree.

  • The new functions for closing and opening code blocks improve the clarity of a script.

  • When you enter code lines, the SmartInfo for commands, properties, methods, and variables appears. The SmartInfo displays the syntax, the type, a short description, and a link to the DIAdem help.

  • With the new function IsKeyPressed you can query in a script whether a certain key is pressed. The function can query the status of all keyboard keys and the default mouse keys (left/center/right) in Windows

  • If in a script some calculations of the calculation manager cannot be executed, DIAdem now can execute the other calculations that are not affected. At the end of the analysis, return values inform about the success of the calculations.

  • With the new property Flex you can adjust a SUD control dynamically to the size of a dialog box that changes.

  • With the new variable UseNoValueOnCalcError you specify whether errors within a calculation lead to the termination of the calculation or output the result NoValue.

  • DIAdem provides various AudioOut commands for outputting audio data via a script to loudspeakers.

  • The command DirListGet can search a folder including all subfolders and returns folders and files it finds.

  • In the title bar of user dialog boxes you can insert buttons that minimize, maximize, or hide the dialog box except for the title bar.

  • Functions for copying channels and properties and for creating elements lists have been added to the object-oriented interface.

  • The function TextClean deletes all characters in a string that cannot be printed.

  • The variable CurrentScriptPath specifies the path of the script file currently running.

Fixed Issues in DIAdem 2010

The following list contains the CAR IDs and a description of the problems solved between DIAdem 11.1 and DIAdem 2010 (11.2). Use the CAR ID to check in the list whether the issue has been fixed. The DIAdem Knowledgebase contains a list of fixed issues from earlier DIAdem versions under the search term Fixed Issues.
CAR IDDescription
185845If you select DIAdem 10.1 via Settings&#187;Options&#187;General&#187;Compatibility, DIAdem does not save changed path settings in the desktop file.
176383In rare cases the selective loading of DAT files that contain NoValues aborts.
177944The CAN Converter cannot process certain DBC files.
180715DIAdem no longer responds when you open the dialog box Configure My DataFinder after a timeout in the search.
182004In the Japanese version, some CAN Converter messages contain invalid characters.
184691If the CAN Converter converts more than 200 files in one work step, the CAN Converter aborts.
186731Although a user-defined DataPlugin for loading TDMS files is registered, DIAdem continues to use the default TDMS DataPlugin.
190521The handling of extended IDs for Ipetronik ASCII files and Vector-ASCII files does not work in the CAN Converter.
191991DIAdem converts Vector logfiles with UINT data very slowly.
Data Portal
166497You cannot drag and drop files with single quotation marks in their names into the Data Portal.
220043When saving selectively in the DAT format, DIAdem saves the channels in the order of the the list view and not of the structure view.
121279When copying cells from an Excel table into an empty column of a channel table, DIAdem does not open a dialog box for creating new channels.
131140After saving 3D models, DIAdem does not release the used memory completely.
158361If points of a boundary curve or of an isoline lie outside the axis boundary, the area within this axis boundary to the point of the boundary curve is also not plotted.
162728If a minimum cursor or a maximum cursor is used, DIAdem does not synchronize a video correctly.
180935If a contour display is printed, the isoline labels protrude the boundary curve.
186217If the time axis has a high resolution, the cursor might skip values.
195383If values from read only channels are deleted in channel tables, no error message is displayed.
195854The layout transfer to DIAdem REPORT does not include the cursors of non-active 2D axis systems.
206966You cannot set flags in the context menu.
207529If you create several new channels in one channel table simultaneously, DIAdem shows the first channel multiple times in the channel table.
215400If you use the function Zoom Off, DIAdem does not show a curve in a 2D axis system with a logarithmic x-axis and an y-axis scaled as a percentage.
219243If you load layouts from earlier DIAdem versions and the layouts do not refer to existing channels, DIAdem might crash.
222822If you load files via File&#187;Recent Files, DIAdem does not always change the path correctly.
226165If the report layout is number-oriented, the layout transfer of a contour display from DIAdem VIEW to DIAdem REPORT does not transfer isolines.
171565In the recording mode DIAdem does not record the variables StatResChnNames and StatResChnNameFormat.
172289If the calculation is quantity-based, the result channel is not a waveform channel if the input channels have different waveform x-units.
172369The sample count and histogram classification produce an error if the maximum value of a channel to be classified is identical to the value of the upper class limit.
179795In rare cases linear mapping (ChnMapLinCalc) might cause a programm crash if no valid data is in the new interpolation area.
185116The functions ValMin and ValMax do not work with NoValues.
192361Incorrect names for statistics variables (StatLowQuantil -> StatLowerQuartile, StatUppQuantil -> StatUpperQuartile), statistics custom properties (ResultStatLowQuantil -> ResultStatLowerQuartile, ResultStatUppQuantil -> ResultStatUpperQuartile), and statistics result channels (LowerQuantile -> LowerQuartile, UpperQuantile -> UpperQuartile).
197034The FFT calculation with waveform channels leads to the termination of the calculation with the misleading error message The x-channel corresponds to an y-channel.
198485The commands ChnAdd, ChnSub, ChnMul, and ChnDiv return incorrect results if the result is saved in input channels and if the calculation is quantity-based.
201390For the evaluation types dB, dB(A), dB(B), or dB(C) in the order analysis, no logarithmic reference value can be specified.
203026In single classification and compound classification DIAdem does not always calculate the lower class limit of the first class interval correctly.
220694If a calculation template displays a message, it might not be able to close.
225056If you use the FormulaCalc command to calculate an invalid exponential function, DIAdem aborts the calculation instead of producing NoValues.
225751In rare cases the HCD calculation produces incorrect or no results.
158361If points of a boundary curve or of an isoline lie outside the axis boundary, the area within this axis boundary to the point of the boundary curve is also not plotted.
181597If DIAdem expressions in the text object are enclosed in double @ characters, DIAdem only removes the first and the last character in the display.
181628The superscript and subscript commands in the context menu of the text object do not work.
181629The text object does not retain a margin between text and frame.
182551If the data is a matrix and the boundary curve is defined by channels, the characteristic diagram does not have any axis labels.
194058If curve transformation is enabled, DIAdem sometimes deletes channels in the Data Portal.
194370DIAdem REPORT does not always select in the channel selection list the channel that is visible in the channel list.
196610If DIAdem specifies the surface color for a 3D characteristic diagram in the contour table and the isoline display is disabled, the color changes at the wrong contour values, namely at the z-axis ticks.
198833If a constant is defined by a variable that does not yet exist, the variable is assigned the value 0 and not NoValue.
213267DIAdem might write the legend text beyond the legend boundary, instead of wrapping or truncating the text.
222822If you load files via File&#187;Recent Files, DIAdem does not always change the path correctly.
231728DIAdem crashes if a 4D/6D vector display that maps multiple data is rotated interactively.
178922The ChnGenVal command does not set the channel minimum and channel maximum correctly if the first channel value is NoValue.
180980DIAdem shortens enumeration elements of a user variable definition (*.VAS) to 16 characters if the 16th character is an underscore.
183366When writing values with the script API of the internal data, DIAdem does not always automatically refresh the channel length.
186220The DataFileSave command leads to an error if DIAdem is to overwrite a file.
190354In the mode File reference: Only filename DIAdem records formulas from the calculator incorrectly.
193638The AutEdTabSave command might lead to a program crash if no valid path for the file storage is specified.
197033An access violation might occur when DIAdem is exited after the execution of MenuItem commands.
200406The Data.GetChannels method determines the wrong channel list if you specify a non-existent channel name and if this channel name starts with digits.
202551The Portal.Structure.Collapse(Data.Root) command leads to errors when debugging.
20483864 bit applications cannot access DIAdem via the OLE interface.
207899The CurrTime variable does not display every AM/PM formatting correctly.
207987The D2AxisOffsetY variable is read only.
218621After deleting channels DIAdem cannot always write or read channels with a script.
219393If a script loads a VIEW layout without a filename extension, DIAdem creates an invalid entry in the recent files list in DIAdem VIEW.
Dialog Editor
197224The dialog editor does not save empty SUD dialog boxes when the function Test in DIAdem is called.
197225The dialog editor truncates long variable names in the variables list display.

&#169; 2010 National Instruments  Ireland Resources Limited. All rights reserved.
Under the copyright laws, this publication may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, storing in an information retrieval system, or translating, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of National Instruments Corporation.
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For patents covering the National Instruments products, refer to the appropriate location: Help&#187;Patents in your software, the patents.txt file on your media, or ni.com/patents.
